Audrey Paige Communications

Audrey Paige came to us wanting to create an image bank of images that represented her. She was sick of using iphone & inconsistent stock images. In her branding shoot we hired the gorgeous space of 40rd in Highett which has beautiful light and is a great blank canvas. In addition to her branding photos we worked with Audrey’s established branding guide to design tiles and a strategy for her instagram feed.

This gal right here is one of the most personable, kind and caring people we’ve met in business. She helps people find their voice, tell their story and reach their people - which is so up our alley! Her social presence was something that needed a little pick-me-up, so we worked on a design, layout and formula for her and she has recently given her insta-socials @audreypaigecomms a little spring-sprucing.⠀

Recently when The Who went away together on one of our work vacays we had a little business coaching chat with Audrey for ourselves. She helped us nut out the nitty gritty of our goals, our offerings and most of all help us with a plan of action that’ll have us streamlining our audiences experiences when choosing us. We had many AH-HUH 💡 moments. SO DARN HELPFUL. ⠀

So as you can see, women supporting women in biz can really give you both the nudge in the right direction. Win-win! For us we got so much out of working with Audrey and we also get the satisfaction of making her feed look oh-so cute! 

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Brewers Feast Beer Festival


Zudis Concept Store